Riding With Arthritis- Plus How To Protect Yourself If You Are Not Yet Affected

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Motorcycle riding can be fun and thrilling, but things start going downhill if and when arthritis knocks at your door. Given the posture one adopts while on a bike- and the probable exposure to cold- any affected joints are bound to crack with pain every time you hop onto a bike.


Given that almost a quarter of American people over the age of 45 live with one type of arthritis or another, it is safe to say that a good number of bikers are affected. It would be heart-breaking to have to let go of the one thing that makes you feel young, biking really does that- because a visitor out to make you feel old (arthritis is that visitor) has come knocking.


So how can arthritis patients enjoy bike riding?


Well, it is important to understand that arthritis affects different joints differently. The specific adjustment one makes in order to be able to ride will depend on the specific joint affected and the extent of pain.

See a Doctor for Advice

Before insisting on a bike ride, it is important that you report your pain to the doctor and seek his advice. The doctor will assess your condition and tell you whether it can be pushed to ride with some adjustments. Sometimes, you may not even need to push yourself. Your doctor could recommend a simple surgery as part of osteoarthritis treatment that takes the pain away once and for all.

Drink Lots of Water

The stiffness that is caused by arthritis makes you feel as if the affected joint is ash dry. And it actually is. Taking a lot of water can ease stiffness. If you are a rider, be sure to keep a bottle near you at all times. Staying hydrated during the riding process may actually be part of therapy for stiff joints. Grab the bottle- just ensure it is the right one.

Always Use Warm Riding Gear

If you struggle as you get on your bike, riding well could ease the pain away slowly. However, exposing joints to cold may result in a worsened situation. While warm clothing is a standard requirement for every ride, the priority should be stepped up a notch for ailing joints. Make sure they are well covered before wearing the usual gear.

Use Joint Support

It is amazing how much pain joint support pads can relieve. These pads regulate and restrict the stretching of joints so there are no sudden painful movements. The support pads could also double up as the warmth generators that have been discussed above.

There is no reason why a person with arthritis should not enjoy a bike ride unless, of course, under a doctor’s advice. Riding may even trigger healing; hop on a bike today and thrill away!